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lundi 9 janvier 2023

Les mémoires du prince Harry et la toxicité

 Marie-Rose Alonso

Les mémoires du prince Harry et la toxicité continue de la rupture de la famille royale pourraient « marquer le début de la fin de la monarchie », a suggéré un biographe du roi Charles.

La sortie du livre n'est "pas seulement une histoire de célébrités", a averti Catherine Mayer , affirmant que "le statut d'une institution d'État importante" est en fin de compte en jeu – son péril exacerbé par les "couches de secret et d'obscurcissement" entourant la famille royale.

Une vague d'extraits divulgués du livre du duc de Sussex Spare days avant sa publication, alimentée par sa sortie anticipée accidentelle en Espagne , s'est écrasée sur le palais de Buckingham cette semaine, révélant l'ampleur du mécontentement au cœur de la famille royale en des détails souvent atroces.

Parallèlement à des souvenirs intensément personnels concernant à la fois lui -même et ses proches , le livre écrit par des fantômes semble fondamentalement critiquer la relation présumée de sa famille avec les médias et le traitement de lui et de sa femme Meghan Markle, de son point de vue dans le rôle de la « pièce de rechange » de l'héritier. .

Alors que les allégations qui en ont résulté – d' altercations physiques avec le prince William, à l' implication soi-disant étouffée de son frère dans sa tristement célèbre débâcle de costumes nazis – ont fait la une des journaux, Mme Mayer a averti que la gravité de la situation n'était pas reflétée dans la couverture.

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Les retombées en cours de la rupture "sont peut-être quelque chose qui marquera le début de la fin de la monarchie, et c'est ce dont nous devrions discuter", a déclaré Mme Mayer, l'auteur de The Heart of a King en 2015, à The Observer .

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“There is a general misapprehension that this is a light story about a British tourist attraction,” Ms Mayer added. The polarisation on both sides of the row is styled as a defence of the monarchy, but it’s not that. This is not just a celebrity knockabout story.

“What we are talking about is the status of a significant institution of state, with significant powers and significant taxpayer funding, so whether you are pro- or anti-monarchy, it deserves to be considered seriously.”

<p>"La monarchie est censée présenter une version idéalisée de la famille", dit Catherine Mayer </p>
‘The monarchy is supposed to present an idealised version of family,’ says Catherine Mayer
(Getty Images)
While a close friend of Prince William described him as “burning” with anger over Harry’s claims, they told the Sunday Times that he would “never retaliate” for “the good of his family and the country”, in line with the “never complain, never explain” mantra to which the palace continues to stand by.

But unless properly addressed, accusations of bullying, racism and misogyny, and class distinctions upheld by the monarchy, could eventually combine to undermine the basis of the consent by which the royal family rule, Ms Mayer warned.

While the “layers of secrecy and obfuscation” surrounding the family “are intended as a defence”, they encourage misunderstandings and can intensify the focus on personality clashes – as opposed to the family as a whole, she suggested.

“The monarchy is supposed to present an idealised version of family and instead is projecting extreme dysfunction,” Ms Mayer told The Independent, also pointing to the scandal surrounding Prince Andrew.

The arrival of Meghan Markle had initially helped the royals perform this role, galvanising “support from demographics who had never seen themselves in any way reflected by the royals” suggested Ms Mayer, who is also co-founder of the Women’s Equality Party.

But the failure of that project “has instead turned them into opponents of the monarchy”, she said.

Reports of a rift between Harry and William were first publicised by Vanity Fair in 2019. But Spare appears to hold little back in detailing the extent of his troubled relationship with his sibling, who at one point he reportedly describes as his “arch-nemesis”.

The memoir, due on Monday, also reportedly details arguments between their spouses, first reported in British tabloids and then addressed by the Sussexes in their Oprah Winfrey interview in March 2021, when the apparently long-gathering storm first truly broke into public view.

The saga and its potential implications are important, Ms Mayer told The Observer, not least “given the lack of trust in the state at the moment and an upsurge in rightwing populism”.

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Underscoring her warning about a heightened focus on individual personalities damaging the monarchy, Ms Mayer added. “Members of the royal family have become our proxies for anger about racism, misogyny and wealth.

“This is, after all, an institution that stands for inequality, so there are huge things at stake.”

More aboutPrince HarryMeghan MarkleMonarchyCatherine MayerDuke Of Sussex
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