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Aujourd'hui, j'attends que l'humanité commence à voir la vraie vérité.

  Christine Rousseau Aujourd'hui à 9:27 Vous vous êtes abonné John Fitzgerald Kahlooni Jr. Aujourd'hui, j'attends que l'huma...

vendredi 21 avril 2023

The Elite Network – Liste complète des membres du « Comité des 300 » (Suite)

 Kyra Drg

The Elite Network – Liste complète des membres du « Comité des 300 »

Marina von Neumann Whitman – ex-Director Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Professor at University of Michigan, and Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, board of directors at Peterson Institute, ex-VP of General Motors Corp., ex-Council of Economic Advisors, ex-board of Trustees Princeton University

Willem-Alexander Prince of Orange – Prince of Orange, Prince of Netherlands, heir to throne of Kingdom of Netherlands, eldest son of Queen Beatrix, head of House of Amsberg, cousin of Elizabeth II, member of Global Water Partnership established by World Bank, UN and Sweden, member of Raad van State, member of many international orders

William Prince of Wales – Prince of Wales, Duke of Cambridge, Second in Line to throne of British Commonwealth, educated at Eton College, Royal Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, descendant of several powerful royal dynasties

Dr Rowan Williams – Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, titular head of Anglican Church, educated at Oxford, Professor at Oxford

Shirley Williams – President of Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), British Baron, House of Lords, ex-MP, Professor at Harvard, educated at Oxford, CFR, Bilderberg, member of many globalist think tanks and organizations

David Wilson – Baron Wilson of Tillyorn, ex-Governor of Hong Kong, ex-Chairman of Scottish Hydro Electric, member of Board of British Council, Knight of the Thistle, President of Royal Society of Edinburgh

James Wolfensohn – ex-President of World Bank Group, educated at Harvard, ex-director J. Henry Schroder & Co investment bank, ex-Salomon Brothers executive, founder of Wolfensohn & Company, chairman of International Advisory Board of Citigroup, member of International Advisory Council for China Investment Corporation, trustee of globalist Brookings Institution, trustee of Rockefeller Foundation, CFR, Bilderberg, World Economic Forum, globalist Aspen Institute, knighthood of the Order of the British Empire, connected to Rothschilds

Neal S. Wolin – US Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, National Security Council under Clinton, educated at Yale, executive assistant to 3 CIA directors, member of Brookings Institution, CEO of Hartford Financial Services Group, CFR

Harry Woolf – Baron Woolf, Jewish-British, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, ex-Master of the Rolls, ex-judge in Hong Kong

James Jr. Woolsey – ex-head of CIA, Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, also educated at Yale, member of many globalist foundations, think tanks and NGO’s, ex-chairman of Freedom House, Senior Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton, member of Project for a New American Century linked to 911 and Iraq war, tied to global warming scam, employee of Lux Capital, co-founder US Energy Security Council, accused of profiting from Iraq War and a crusader-like zealousness for conflict with Islam

Sir Robert Worcester – founder of Market and Opinion Research International (MORI), International Director of Ipsos Group, Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Freeman of the City of London, trustee of Magna Carta Trust, member of many globalist organizations

Sarah Wu – Director General of Hong Kong Monetary Authority (London)

Robert Zoellick – President of World Bank, educated at Harvard, ex-US Department of Treasury, ex-Executive VP of Fannie Mae, ex-Professor at US Naval Academy, ex-White House Deputy Chief of Staff under Bush 41, member of PNAC linked to 911 and Iraq War, ex-head of globalist Center for International Studies, ex-advisory board Enron, ex-member of Executive Office under Bush 43, helped bring China into WTO, heavily promoted the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), tied to legal attempts by WTO to force Genetically modified foods in the European Union, promotes globalism

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